Welcome to Pat's Beach Club

Pat’s beach club is a community of like minded people built around Pat’s diversified lifestyle as a professional snowboarder and musician. Every year, Pat has the privilege of traveling all around the globe to compete as one of the top snowboarders in the world or write his hottest new single under the warmth of the Californian weather. Such a sick lifestyle right?

PBC’s members will get many opportunities to interact with Pat through different discussions, meetings and events that will revolve around his adventures and his growth as an individual. 

We’re like a Family

Through Pat’s online presence, you can only catch a fraction of his interests and everyday life. Pat’s Beach Club will grant you access to a deeper level of insight on what it feels like to be in his shoes.

In Pat’s own words “I wanted to create this club to get closer to the people following my journey. I want to share the good parts of what I do but also the difficulties and the dark times I often go through as an athlete and creative. The goal is to create a place where we can openly share personal experiences to set each other up for success!”

Join us on Discord!

The main platform of the PBC community will be Discord. You will be able to discuss anything from NFT projects, music, sports, gaming and everything in between. PCB members will be in direct contact with Pat through the Discord chats and will get first hand updates on his projects and adventures!

In a perfect world, Pat’s Beach Club members will even participate actively in the creation of future projects.

Don’t stand back and get involved!

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The collections

The Team

Here is the pixel team working hard to deliver the best experience!

Pat Burgener
The Famous guy

Max Burgener
The Swiss Baker

Loann Geromme
The French Baker

Marc-Antoine Burgener
The Big Time Manager